Onesta Benedetti

Onesta Journal

Onesta Benedetti

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This is not a drill! We have a new section of our site… introducing the Benedetti series! 

As a conscious company dedicated to helping people and the planet we are generally against sales. They encourage the idea of overconsumption by tempting us with limited time deals for something we ordinarily wouldn’t buy. They also give the illusion that some items of clothing are old or less-than compared to other full price items. We like to cherish all clothing at Onesta and try to give it the respect it deserves after someone has put all that hard work into making it.  



That leaves us with a bit of a conundrum because as a company committed to zero waste, we hate to see our garments sitting around not being used. In the process towards a final product there are often different iterations of a design (samples) which are left. When we decide on the final design, we have to make sure that it is going to suit the largest number of people and sometimes the samples, just aren’t it. However, one person’s no is another person’s YES! Something that may have ended up a bit short in the body for the average person may fit another like a glove. These pieces are completely unique and won’t be replicated so buying one of our sample pieces will make your wardrobe one of a kind.  

If you have been on our Instagram or taken the time to peruse our website you will have seen the wide selection of stunning models sporting our pieces. Obviously, once they have been worn, we can’t just send them out as brand new so these garments will also feature in Benedetti! This actually also involves some of the items that our staff have worn during events where we needed uniform. 


So, this is not a sale for the sake of a sale. Everything will be discounted from full price but that isn’t because they are any worse than the full price stock. Just different. We didn’t want to call this a sale or an outlet or anything like that because it brings with it the connotations that these pieces are not as good or have lost their value but they haven’t. The collection is called Benedetti which means “they are blessed” in Italian which is so fitting for these pieces. They are unique and have a story to them which makes them extra special. These items are still of value and don’t deserve to sit around in a tub at our studio when someone out there could love them.